Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 30 | A photograph of myself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days

Assalamualaikum and g0od evening!...

Yeay! Last entry... Ini akan menjadi entry penutup untuk task 30 things in 30 days..

Actually ari ni aku tak sehat ngat. So muke pon cam hape tah. Nak tengok gak ker? Tengok ler.

3 + 1 good things happened in the past 30 days

1) Aku ngah bercuti
2) Blajar wat felt craft
3) Blajar wat cupcakes
2) Adek aku dapat 8A PMR

1 comment:

Takkan baca jer.. Komen la jugak.. (●*∩_∩*●)