Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb

Premiere Screening: NATM - Secret of the Tomb

After two unforgettable Nights at the Museum, Ben Stiller and company are back for another exciting night of adventure and laughs! Our new adventure begins at the opening of the new Planetarium in New York, when our museum heroes lose control of their minds and bodies as the tablet that brings them to life slowly begins to deteriorate. Only Ahkmenra’s father knows the secret to restoring the tablet and as fate would have it, he’s displayed in London. The action moves to the famed British Museum of Natural History where, with a little help from some ‘new’ friends, they must risk everything to discover the secret to the magic tablet and repair it before Larry loses his museum friends forever.

Local Release Date: 25th Dec 2014

Screening Details//mark your calendars! 
Date: 23rd Dec 2014
Time: 9.15pm
Venue: GSC 1 Utama (Hall 9)

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✿ Mutiara Kata ✿

Dan sesiapa yang berhijrah pada jalan Allah (untuk membela dan menegakkan Islam), nescaya dia akan dapati di muka bumi ini tempat berhijrah yang banyak dan rezeki yang makmur dan sesiapa yang keluar dari rumahnya dengan tujuan berhijrah kepada Allah dan RasulNya, kemudian dia mati (dalam perjalanan), maka sesungguhnya telah tetap pahala hijrahnya di sisi Allah dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani.