Are you are in LOVE?

Are U with someone?
When U together with that special someone,
U pretend to ignore that person...
But when that special someone isn't around,
U might look around to find them...
At that moment U are in love..

Although there is someone else
who always makes U laugh,
Your and attention
might go only to that special someone
Then U are ...

Everyday U so desperate waiting for that special
someone's call or sms,
but your is so quiet,
At that moment, U are in love...

U keep telling yourself
but U can't avoid that person's special attraction
U are in love...

While U are reading this,
if someone appear in your mind
It's mean that U are in

with that person...

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Dan sesiapa yang berhijrah pada jalan Allah (untuk membela dan menegakkan Islam), nescaya dia akan dapati di muka bumi ini tempat berhijrah yang banyak dan rezeki yang makmur dan sesiapa yang keluar dari rumahnya dengan tujuan berhijrah kepada Allah dan RasulNya, kemudian dia mati (dalam perjalanan), maka sesungguhnya telah tetap pahala hijrahnya di sisi Allah dan (ingatlah) Allah Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani.